The Mt. Auburn Community Council is the official representative body of the Mt. Auburn neighborhood. The purpose of the community council is to foster the well-being of the community. This includes efforts to maintain and improve social interaction, educational opportunity, economic stability and political responsibility.

Monthly Meetings:
We meet the third Monday of the month, commencing at 7:00 PM and ending by 8:30 PM.

William Howard Taft Elementary School
270 Southern Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45219

NOTE: If the meeting takes place on a federal holiday, the council meeting will take place the following day. The dates below are the correct days for our meeting.

January 21st February 18th March 17th April 21st May 19th June 16th
July 21st August 18th September 15th October 20th November 17th December — No Meeting

To view the Mt. Auburn Community Council Bylaws, click on the following link: MACC Approved Bylaws – 2024

To become a member, click the following link:  MACC Application

You may bring your completed form to any Community Council meeting or mail the form along with payment to:

Mt. Auburn Community Council
PO Box 19138
Cincinnati, Ohio 45219